THESIS - THE EFFECTIVENESS OF MUSIC PERFORMANCE TO TEACH ENGLISH CARDINAL AND ORDINAL NUMBER (An Experimental Research at the Fifth Grade of SDN 01 Manggungsari Weleri Kendal in the Academic Year of 2011/2012)

SKRIPSI BAHASA INGGRIS/THESIS - THE EFFECTIVENESS OF MUSIC PERFORMANCE TO TEACH ENGLISH CARDINAL AND ORDINAL NUMBER (An Experimental Research at the Fifth Grade of SDN 01 Manggungsari Weleri Kendal in the Academic Year of 2011/2012)

A. Background of Study
It is based on the fact that language learning is influenced by some factor, like motivation, and reinforcement. A teacher should be careful in observing the students understanding of the material in teaching learning process. One way to make better image in teaching learning process is a good method. One thing that should not be forgotten the tendency of linguistic posessed more by left
hemisphere of brain than the right one. We have known that the function of left hemisphere of our brain is only for right hand control, science and technology ability of Conversation, thinking, written language, and memory, otherwise, right hemisphere of brain has functions for left hand control, awareness of music, imagination, art awereness, perception and three dimensions.1 Convensional
method more focuses its attention on use of left hemisphere than right hemisphere of our brain we have to balance both hemispheres. In fact, we also have to solve this problem. The writer conducts this study to find new way of balancing use of th left hemisphere and right one.
Experts believe that learning process by using music build a new pathway in the brain and give more than just a causal relationship to the development of certain parts of the brain in the long term. Music stimulates a greater connection than can be provided by any other stimulus to the left hemisphere of the brain with the right ones and between the areas in the brain responsible for emotion and memory. Using music as a medium to maximize human ability will be a significant effort because music is able to motivate and encourage participation in activities which will help to achieve the goals in the social functions, language, and motorist.
Furthermore, Sari said that the brain will work optimally when both hemispheres are used together. This can be seen if children only learn by using the left hemisphere which has a function cultivate about science, business and education while the right brain is not activated which should have the function of thinking, feeling, imagining, and creating. As well, they are just using the right brain without balanced with the utilization of the left brain, he might be a lot of singing, talking, or drawing, but only a little knowledge can get into his brain. One way to combine left and right hemisphere functions is by using music when the students understand easily the lesson.2
One of measurements of teaching learning process success is the participation of student in teaching learning process. However, the success up to now is still difficult to achieve. It is because of the lack of appropriate media in learning process. In this research, the writer focuses on using music in that music can improve students’ motivations when teaching learning run. It also happens at
SDN 01 Manggungsari Weleri Kendal. Based on initial observations of English teaching learning process which run especially cardinal and ordinal number materials in fifth grade, it showed that teaching learning process was still teacher- centered; meanwhile, students were only passive in joining the lesson.
Monotonous situation caused students bored and ignore the lesson. To make the students motivated and enjoyable to learn, the teacher should use interesting teaching methods, as Jeremy Harmer said that teacher’s method in teaching could be intrinsic motivation which motivates the students to learn.
3 Therefore, it is important for teachers to gain some knowledge. Harmer’s statement is supported by Hadits Anas bin Malik about happy and enjoyable learning:
"Narrated Anas bin Malik: The propet Muhammad SAW said: Facilitate
things to people (concerning religious matters), and do not make it hard for them
and give them good tidings and do not make them run away. 5

That hadits explains that the learning process should be made easy and fun so that students are not pressured by psychologist and do not feel bored in the classroom situation, as well as what is being taught by their teacher. A learning should also use appropriate methods adapted to the circumstances, especially considering the circumstances of people who will learn. In addition, music
performance is used to motivate students and create a more relaxing.
That is why the writer uses music performance to teach English cardinal and ordinal number. It is also based on the fact that learning styles are divided into four kinds. Namely :

1. Kinesthetic Style
This style usually called hyperactive character. Because the character
easy in memorizing teaching learning material by using body movement.
2. Auditory Learners
Auditory is something that is related with sound and most of us learning
with sound and most of us learn with soul that we hear and listen everyday.
Like growing infant, the first step they learn to speak is by listening to mothers
3. Visual Learner
Is a simbol learner. It means that this style is easy to memorize
somethimg representated in sybol, picture, map, diagram, or area condition as a
visual medium. This character thinks based on object, concrete thing.

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